Anna Kavan Bibliography


As Helen Ferguson
1929 A Charmed Circle
1930The Dark Sisters
1930Let Me Alone
1935A Stranger Still
1936Goose Cross
1937Rich Get Rich
As Anna Kavan
1940 Asylum Piece (Stories)
1941Change the Name
1945I Am Lazarus (Stories)
1948Sleep Has His House
1949The Horse's Tale (with K T Bluth)
1956A Scarcity of Love
1957Eagle's Nest
1958A Bright Green Field (Stories)
1963Who Are You?
1970 Julia and the Bazooka (Stories)
1975My Soul in China (Novella & Stories)
1995The Parson
2009Anna Kavan's New Zealand, ed. by Jennifer Sturm (Stories)


1943'New Zealand: Answer to an Inquiry', Horizon 45, Sept 1943
1944'The Case of Bill Williams', Horizon 50, Feb 1944
1944'Reviews', Horizon 50, Feb 1944
1944'Reviews', Horizon 52, April 1944
1944'Reviews', Horizon 59, Nov 1944
1945'Reviews', Horizon 62, Feb 1945
1945'Reviews', Horizon 67, July 1945
1946'Back to Victoria: Selected Notices', Horizon 73, Jan 1946

Secondary Sources


Callard, David, The Case of Anna Kavan: A Biography, (London: Peter Owen, 1992)
Reed, Jeremy, A Stranger on Earth: The Life and Work of Anna Kavan, (London: Peter Owen, 2006)
Sturm, Jennifer, ed. Anna Kavan's New Zealand: A Pacific Interlude in a Turbulent Life, (Auckland: Vintage, Random House New Zealand, 2009)

Major Archives

The Anna Kavan Archive at the McFarlin Library, University of Tulsa holds the largest collection of Kavan's personal papers, photographs, manuscripts, correspondence and paintings.

The Peter Owen Archives at the Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas contain correspondence between Kavan and her publisher Peter Owen and related material. Other archives in the collection contain letters from Kavan to writers and publishers including the William A Bradley Literary Agency, Francis Henry King, Scorpion Press, John Lehman, Kay Dick and Gerald Hamilton.

The Rhys Davis Papers in the National Library of Wales contains the papers of Kavan's close friend and literary executor Rhys Davies including a small collection of letters from Kavan and papers relating to posthumous publication.

The Walter Ian Hamilton Papers in the Alexander Turnbull Library, National Library of New Zealand, Wellington contain letters from Kavan to Hamilton between 1940 and 1955.

Other archives containing Kavan's correspondence include the Jonathan Cape files in the Random House Archives at the University of Reading and the Koestler Archive in Edinburgh University Library, Special Collections. A small collection of Karl Theodor Bluth's papers are housed in the Deutsches Literatur Archiv in Marbach, Germany.